Sunday, April 25, 2010


I was reading an article in a magazine and came across this quote from Oscar Wilde "experience is simply the name we give our mistakes". In our teen and 20s years, we make a lot of unwise decisions and go through all kinds of stess or trouble ( despite what our elders advised or past experences) we simply will fall into the hole somewhere or somehow. In my early 20s and in a position of starting out in the harsh working world, I started to realize that being 20s is not a very good position in. We are not really sure who we are, what we want from our relationships, what we want from our careers although one thing we certainy love is our wrinkle free skin, toned skin and full of energy. It sounds cliche but don't we certainly love when you know that you are wiser and happier even if you are older. Being focus certainly helps but really if "experience is simply the name we give our mistakes", then isn't it ok to make mistakes along the way? In this harsh world, people seems to give judgement or harsh remarks to our mistakes, but why can't we embrace it or learn to forgive somehow? I guess it's really ok to make mistakes, afterall life would be boring without getting ourselves into a little trouble along the way, certainly little is enough.

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