Thursday, October 7, 2010

perfect farewell letter

The last farewell to my wife
Ancient peoples developed and ritualised mourning practices to
express the shared grief of family and friends, and together show not fear or
distaste for death, but respect for the dead one; and to give comfort to the living
who will miss the deceased. I recall the ritual mourning when my maternal
grandmother died some 75 years ago. For five nights the family would gather to
sing her praises and wail and mourn at her departure, led by a practised
professional mourner. Such rituals are no longer observed. My family’s sorrow is
to be expressed in personal tributes to the matriarch of our family.
In October 2003 when she had her first stroke, we had a strong
intimation of our mortality.
My wife and I have been together since 1947 for more than three
quarters of our lives. My grief at her passing cannot be expressed in words. But
today, when recounting our lives together, I would like to celebrate her life.
In our quiet moments, we would revisit our lives and times together.
We had been most fortunate. At critical turning points in our lives, fortune
favoured us.
As a young man with an interrupted education at Raffles College,
and no steady job or profession, her parents did not look upon me as a desirable
son-in-law. But she had faith in me. We had committed ourselves to each other.
I decided to leave for England in September 1946 to read law, leaving her to
return to Raffles College to try to win one of the two Queen’s Scholarships
awarded yearly. We knew that only one Singaporean would be awarded. I had
the resources, and sailed for England, and hoped that she would join me after
winning the Queen’s Scholarship. If she did not win it, she would have to wait for
me for three years.
In June the next year, 1947, she did win it. But the British colonial
office could not get her a place in Cambridge.
Through Chief Clerk of Fitzwilliam, I discovered that my Censor at
Fitzwilliam, W S Thatcher, was a good friend of the Mistress of Girton, Miss
Butler. He gave me a letter of introduction to the Mistress. She received me and
I assured her that Choo would most likely take a “First”, because she was the
better student when we both were at Raffles College. I had come up late by one
term to Cambridge, yet passed my first year qualifying examination with a class
1. She studied Choo’s academic record and decided to admit her in October that
same year, 1947.
We have kept each other company ever since. We married
privately in December 1947 at Stratford-upon-Avon. At Cambridge, we both put
in our best efforts. She took a first in two years in Law Tripos II. I took a double
first, and a starred first for the finals, but in three years. We did not disappoint
our tutors. Our Cambridge Firsts gave us a good start in life. Returning to
Singapore, we both were taken on as legal assistants in Laycock & Ong, a
thriving law firm in Malacca Street. Then we married officially a second time that
September 1950 to please our parents and friends. She practised conveyancing
and draftsmanship, I did litigation.
In February 1952, our first son Hsien Loong was born. She took
maternity leave for a year. That February, I was asked by John Laycock, the
Senior Partner, to take up the case of the Postal and Telecommunications
Uniformed Staff Union, the postmen’s union. They were negotiating with the
government for better terms and conditions of service. Negotiations were
deadlocked and they decided to go on strike. It was a battle for public support. I
was able to put across the reasonableness of their case through the press and
radio. After a fortnight, they won concessions from the government. Choo, who
was at home on maternity leave, pencilled through my draft statements, making
them simple and clear.
Over the years, she influenced my writing style. Now I write in
short sentences, in the active voice. We gradually influenced each other’s ways
and habits as we adjusted and accommodated each other. We knew that we
could not stay starry-eyed lovers all our lives; that life was an on-going challenge
with new problems to resolve and manage.
We had two more children, Wei Ling in 1955 and Hsien Yang in
1957. She brought them up to be well-behaved, polite, considerate and never to
throw their weight as the prime minister’s children. As a lawyer, she earned
enough, to free me from worries about the future of our children.
She saw the price I paid for not having mastered Mandarin when I
was young. We decided to send all three children to Chinese kindergarten and
schools. She made sure they learned English and Malay well at home. Her
nurturing has equipped them for life in a multi-lingual region.
We never argued over the upbringing of our children, nor over
financial matters. Our earnings and assets were jointly held. We were each
other’s confidant.
She had simple pleasures. We would walk around the Istana
gardens in the evening, and I hit golf balls to relax. Later, when we had
grandchildren, she would take them to feed the fish and the swans in the Istana
ponds. Then we would swim. She was interested in her surroundings, for
instance, that many bird varieties were pushed out by mynahs and crows eating
up the insects and vegetation. She discovered the curator of the gardens had
cleared wild grasses and swing fogged for mosquitoes, killing off insects they fed
on. She stopped this and the bird varieties returned. She surrounded the
swimming pool with free flowering scented flowers and derived great pleasure
smelling them as she swam. She knew each flower by its popular and botanical
names. She had an enormous capacity for words.
She had majored in English literature at Raffles College and was a
voracious reader, from Jane Austen to JRR Tolkien, from Thucydides’ The
Peloponnesian Wars to Virgil’s Aeneid, to The Oxford Companion to Food, and
Seafood of Southeast Asia, to Roadside Trees of Malaya, and Birds of
She helped me draft the Constitution of the PAP. For the
inaugural meeting at Victoria Memorial Hall on 4 November 1954, she gathered
the wives of the founder members to sew rosettes for those who were going on
stage. In my first election for Tanjong Pagar, our home in Oxley Road, became
the HQ to assign cars provided by my supporters to ferry voters to the polling
booth. She warned me that I could not trust my new found associates, the leftwing
trade unionists led by Lim Chin Siong. She was furious that he never sent
their high school student helpers to canvass for me in Tanjong Pagar, yet
demanded the use of cars provided by my supporters to ferry my Tanjong Pagar
voters. She had an uncanny ability to read the character of a person. She would
sometimes warn me to be careful of certain persons; often, she turned out to be
When we were about to join Malaysia, she told me that we would
not succeed because the UMNO Malay leaders had such different lifestyles and
because their politics were communally-based, on race and religion. I replied
that we had to make it work as there was no better choice. But she was right.
We were asked to leave Malaysia before two years.
When separation was imminent, Eddie Barker, as Law Minister,
drew up the draft legislation for the separation. But he did not include an
undertaking by the Federation Government to guarantee the observance of the
two water agreements between the PUB and the Johor state government. I
asked Choo to include this. She drafted the undertaking as part of the
constitutional amendment of the Federation of Malaysia Constitution itself. She
was precise and meticulous in her choice of words. The amendment statute was
annexed to the Separation Agreement, which we then registered with the United
Nations. The then Commonwealth Secretary Arthur Bottomley said that if other
federations were to separate, he hoped they would do it as professionally as
Singapore and Malaysia. It was a compliment to Eddie’s and Choo’s
professional skills. Each time Malaysian Malay leaders threatened to cut off our
water supply, I was reassured that this clear and solemn international
undertaking by the Malaysian government in its Constitution will get us a ruling
by the UNSC (United Nations Security Council).
After her first stroke, she lost her left field of vision. This slowed
down her reading. She learned to cope, reading with the help of a ruler. She
swam every evening and kept fit. She continued to travel with me, and stayed
active despite the stroke. She stayed in touch with her family and old friends.
She listened to her collection of CDs, mostly classical, plus some golden oldies.
She jocularly divided her life into “before stroke” and “after stroke”, like BC and
She was friendly and considerate to all associated with her. She
would banter with her WSOs (woman security officers) and correct their English
grammar and pronunciation in a friendly and cheerful way. Her former WSOs
visited her when she was at NNI. I thank them all. (Listed in Appendix A)
Her second stroke on 12 May 2008 was more disabling. I
encouraged and cheered her on, helped by a magnificent team of doctors,
surgeons, therapists and nurses. (Listed in Appendix B.)
Her nurses, WSOs and maids all grew fond of her because she
was warm and considerate. When she coughed, she would take her small pillow
to cover her mouth because she worried for them and did not want to infect them.

Her mind remained clear but her voice became weaker. When I
kissed her on her cheek, she told me not to come too close to her in case I
caught her pneumonia. I assured her that the doctors did not think that was likely
because I was active. When given some peaches in hospital, she asked the
maid to take one home for my lunch. I was at the centre of her life.
On 24 June 2008, a CT scan revealed another bleed again on the
right side of her brain. There was not much more that medicine or surgery could
do except to keep her comfortable.
I brought her home on 3 July 2008. The doctors expected her to
last a few weeks. She lived till 2nd October, 2 years and 3 months. She
remained lucid. They gave time for me and my children to come to terms with
the inevitable. In the final few months, her faculties declined. She could not
speak but her cognition remained. She looked forward to have me talk to her
every evening.
Her last wish she shared with me was to enjoin our children to have
our ashes placed together, as we were in life.
The last two years of her life were the most difficult. She was bedridden
after small successive strokes; she could not speak but she was still
cognisant. Every night she would wait for me to sit by her to tell her of my day’s
activities and to read her favourite poems. Then she would sleep.
I have precious memories of our 63 years together. Without her, I
would be a different man, with a different life. She devoted herself to me and our
children. She was always there when I needed her. She has lived a life full of
warmth and meaning.
I should find solace at her 89 years of her life well lived. But at this
moment of the final parting, my heart is heavy with sorrow and grief.
Appendix A
Minister Mentor’s Private Office
Principal Private Secretary: Chee Hong Tat
Press Secretary: Yeong Yoon Ying
Personal Assistants: Wong Lin Hoe, Koh Kiang Chay, Lilian Ho
Security Officers and Woman Security Officers:
Alice Lim Siew Cheng, Alice Goh Siew Hiang, Catherine Tan Noi Keo, Goh Ai
Hoon, Silver Ng Su Meng, Karen Ng Poh Ling, Mae Teo Siew Inn, Joey Leong
Kai Mun, Joyce Chong Ai Lin, Jillian Phua, Teo Cheng Piau, Tan Yew Eng,
Mervin Kwong Hoong Fai, Tong Ming Ming, Mok Suay Kheng, Angie Lee Ai
Appendix B
- NNI: Dr Lee Kim En (Neurology), Dr Ivan Ng (Neurosurgery), Dr Francis Hui
- TTSH: Dr Suresh Sahadevan (General Medicine), Dr Chin Jing Jih (Geriatric
Medicine), Dr Karen Chua (Rehabilitation Medicine), Dr Kwek Tong Kiat
(Anaesthesia); Thomas Lew (Anaesthesia)
- SGH: Prof Fong Kok Yong (Rheumatology); Dr A Balakrishnan (ENT)
- NDC: Dr Yuen Kwong Wing (Senior Consultant), Dr Marianne Ong (Consultant)
- TTSH: Wong Mui Peng, Ranbhir Kaur, Lily Ng, Tina Tng, Ten Siew Hwa, Heng
Mui Chu, Lily Toh
- NNI: Tan IL Fan
- KTPH: Liu Xiao Yan
- SGH: Elaine Yek, Eileen Robert Jacob, Li Ying and Jacqueline Teo
- Physiotherapy: Susan Niam, Seah Wei Wei
- Occupational therapy: Chan Mei Leng, David Zhang
- Speech therapy: Leow Li Pyn, Sharon Wu
Heng Li Hoong, Lynne Teo

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

perfect desert in bali

Location: Metis
City: Bali, Indonesia

For the first time in a long time, I experienced the best dining ever in Bali. The starter was good, entree was excellent and desert was fantastic i.e perfection for someone that has sweet tooth, and favors chocolates over white rice. see picture below, for the famous Grand Mainer Souffle and block chocolate  selection wonderfully melts in your mouth when bitten together with macaroons and melted chocolate served on the side. Ultimate heaven...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Transformation of Singapore: Article (Good reading)

Singapore swing: Playing for wealth crown

Reuters - Friday, October 1
By Raju Gopalakrishnan
SINGAPORE - Along a sun-splashed cobblestone street in central Singapore, coatless bankers with loosened ties quaff imported beers in a neighbourhood of gaily painted shophouses called Duxton Hill.
The scene is almost European. And for long-time residents of this Southeast Asian city-state at the crossroads of some of the world's busiest shipping lanes, a bit bemusing. Just a couple of years ago late-night revellers used to tumble out of ill-lit pubs and grimy, illicit brothels on Duxton Hill.
The transformation is a microcosm of the reinventions Singapore has undergone to keep an island with almost no resources and roughly the size of New York City competitive in a neighbourhood of fast-growing emerging markets.
Boutique funds, advisory firms and brokerages are putting down roots in a revamped Duxton Hill, where opium and gambling dens run by Chinese triad gangs flourished last century.
Singapore has attracted hundreds of such firms in the past decade, lured by its light-touch registration requirements and relatively benign regulatory climate, even as Switzerland, the world's leading wealth manager, gets tougher on bank secrecy.
"Our vision of this place is the Singapore version of London's West End," said Ed Peter, 47, a Swiss-born fund manager who has been buying up shophouses in Duxton Hill.
The neighbourhood, in truth, bears little resemblance to London's theatre district, but it's also a far cry from its shady past.
"It's going upmarket. It's cool. It's funky," said Peter, speaking effusively at his office in a three-storey building which housed an Elvis impersonator bar just two years ago. "You've got half the financial community here."
Next door, the raunchy Aristocats pub closed shop a few months ago, providing space for Daun Consulting, a private equity adviser, to expand from its upper-level offices.
Peter, Deutsche Bank's head of asset management for Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa before setting up his own firm in Singapore, manages about $650 million .
The squeaky clean city of 5.1 million, nicknamed the "nanny state" for its propensity for micromanagement, is fast emerging as one of the world's hottest destinations for wealth -- and the wealthy, who now have casinos and theme parks for play, and seaside mansions and penthouses to stay.
The Monetary Authority of Singapore at end-2009 -- the most in Asia and up about 40 percent from a year ago.
The Boston Consulting Group estimates private banks alone in Singapore manage about $500 billion in assets. The numbers are dwarfed by the estimated $2 trillion in private wealth managed in Switzerland, but the growth in Singapore is startling, wealth managers say.
"In the last 10-12 years I've seen Singapore really take a leadership role in changing the landscape of the wealth management industry," says Deepak Sharma, chairman of Citi Private Bank.
"The regulatory environment in Singapore is one of the finest. It has one of the best standards in the world, but at the same time, it is consultative. It engages the industry."
The big players, including Swiss giants UBS AG and Credit Suisse who have a global stranglehold on private wealth management, are among those looking East. UBS, usually chary about its plans, says it will hire 400 new staffers in the Asia-Pacific region in the next few years.
Credit Suisse said net new assets from clients in Asia climbed to 11.5 billion Swiss francs in 2009 from 8.4 billion in 2008. In the first six months of this year, net new assets came in at 7.1 billion Swiss francs.
Morgan Stanley plans to double its Asia headcount in wealth management over the next three years, largely focussing on the top end of the market.
JPMorgan Chase & Co plans to triple its private banking assets in Asia over the next five years and plans to increase its headcount in the region by 40 percent over the current 400, a company spokesman in New York said this week.
"I believe Singapore will be the true private banking hub," said Massimo Hilber, managing partner at private Swiss bank Marcuard who, like Peter, has an office on Duxton Hill. "All the big players are here, and the smaller players like us. You have to be here."
Why Singapore?
First, assets held by Asia-Pacific's high net worth individuals -- people owning more than $1 million excluding home, collectibles and durables -- surged 31 percent in 2009 to $9.7 trillion, overtaking Europe, according to CapGemini/Merrill Lynch.
Second, high net-worth individuals seeking high-return investments are turning to emerging markets. Accordingly, portfolios of such individuals included 22 percent in Asia-Pacific investments in 2009, up from 19 percent in 2008, and will soon overtake Europe, the CapGemini study says.
Many of these changes are focussed on Singapore, which is at the crossroads of new wealth being created in China, India and Indonesia, some of the fastest growing economies in the world.
Singapore, which has the world's highest concentration of millionaires, is poised to grow its own economy 13-15 percent this year, possibly the fastest rate in the world.
Hong Kong is Asia's other big financial centre, but tends to focus on investment banking and deal-making in China rather than in the management of private wealth, bankers say.
"Hong Kong probably makes great business sense from an investment banker perspective, but I don't think it has invested as much in itself in creating a place for families to live," says Nick Pollard, Asia chief executive of private banker RBS Coutts.
"What Singapore has done very well is that it has almost created a whole infrastructure, not just a place to work, but also a place to live, a place to educate your children, a place to have great fun."
Stuffy. Staid. A "fine city" where every minor transgression attracts a fine. Where the sale of chewing gum is banned, and caning is prescribed for offences such as vandalism.
That was, and in some cases still is, Singapore.
But about five years ago, the government launched a concerted effort to change the image. Two casinos sprang up this year at a cost of about $11 billion in a city where gambling had been banned. It's the only country in the world where the Formula One Grand Prix is held at night.
Singapore impeccably conducted its third F1 race on September 26, with Fernando Alonso winning on a balmy tropical night, driving his Ferrari through 61 laps around the city's business district.
Top music acts including Mariah Carey, Sean Kingston, Chris Daughtry and Adam Lambert performed at different areas around the circuit. Some of the jet-setting crowd partied after the race at a newly opened rooftop bar at the $5.3 billion Marina Bay Sands casino resort, built by Las Vegas Sands on reclaimed land around the mouth of the Singapore River.
Sentosa island, just offshore Singapore, is being redeveloped as a home for the seriously wealthy, with golf clubs, a sailing marina and sea-facing bungalows priced at $20 million and more. Genting Singapore's Resorts World casino and Universal Studios theme park opened in February, raking in S$503.5 million in the first three months.
"Rebranding Singapore as a global city and tourism hub fits in very well with its natural advantage, which is its strategic location in the centre of Southeast Asia and good transportation links," said Kit Wei Zheng, a Citigroup economist.
The aim is simple. Make the city more attractive for high-end foreign talent and wealth. Turn tourism into a money spinner. Focus on services as manufacturing shifts to lower-cost countries in the region. And make it easy for foreigners to work.
It is the latest incarnation of a city that emerged from British colonial rule in the 1960s as a gritty port town. Founding father Lee Kuan Yew and his People's Action Party -- dressed in trademark white shirts and pants -- set out to scrub the city clean of corruption in all its manifestations.
By the 1970s, the port had become one of the world's busiest and was soon complemented by the opening of top-ranked Changi international airport.
By the 1980s, Singapore was a regional manufacturing hub, particularly for electronics. Then it reinvented itself as a financial hub, and by the 1990s was one of the world's leading centres for foreign exchange trading. A decade ago, the PAP patriarchs began building an education and bio-tech hub.
The common denominator for each Singapore incarnation has been to make it easy to do business. Be the fastest shipper, the most proficient manufacturer, the state with the least red tape.
For the Singapore financial industry, that comes from what they call "Number 10". That's 10 Shenton Way, not Downing Street but the address represents an institution similarly powerful -- the headquarters of MAS, the central bank.
"The regulatory environment is fair as opposed to arbitrary, random and difficult," says Peter, the fund manager. "The rule of law is incredibly important. This is probably the best-managed country on the planet. It's managed in a pro-active business-friendly way."
Funds with less than 30 institutional investors can set up shop without a licence from MAS. While MAS is set to introduce tighter rules next year, Singapore remains one of the easiest jurisdictions for funds to begin operations.
But as regulation is tightened in Europe and the United States following the 2008 financial crisis, and Switzerland responds to concerns about its bank secrecy laws, Singapore, too, has come under the spotlight.
In November, Singapore was taken off the OECD "grey list" of nations not implementing international disclosure standards, but has yet to sign a tax treaty with the United States.
"The business model for private bankers is going to change -- they can no longer tell customers just to put their money in Singapore and they will make sure no one ever knows about it," said Edmund Leow, principal at law firm Baker & McKenzie, Wong & Leow.
"Instead, bankers are already marketing themselves as providing the best advice on how to legitimately minimize the amount of money their customers have to pay in tax.
"This is a global trend. I think Singapore is doing what most other countries are doing and shouldn't be disadvantaged compared with other wealth management centres."
Singapore's seismic reinventions were possible because the government nipped any political opposition in the bud and voters who have seen their per capita incomes grow seven-fold over the years were not inclined to grumble much.
But as Singapore undergoes its latest manifestation as a "global city", with an ever-mounting proportion of foreign residents crowding the roads and competing for space and jobs, the government is having to soothe escalating criticism from the "heartland", the sprawl of government housing blocks in the interior of the island where much of the citizenry lives.
Take, for example, Pipit Road, where a public housing compound is set amid factories and warehouses. People there live in tiny one-room apartments and are among the least well-off in Singapore.
Elderly residents shuffle along through corridors to the open area at the ground level, many with vacant stares.
"Look at my life. Do you think I have the time?", said Seet Siew Buay, a 49-year-old woman when asked if she had seen the casino resorts or heard of the F1 race. "I have to look after them," she said pointing to a 26-year-old son with learning and speech disabilities and an unemployed common-law husband.
They subsist on the S$300 given to the son each month in welfare, and Wong's savings from his days as a carpenter. Singapore households earn an average income of S$7,440 a month, according to government statistics, but the bottom 20 percent earn only S$1,274.
There is some anger in the Pipit Road housing block at what is seen as the headlong rush to attract foreign investment and w wealth.
"The bloody government will get the money," said a middle-aged man, who called himself Jack. "We will get nothing. But somehow we still vote for them."
Having a super-rich pool of foreigners in the city poses the risk of accentuating social tensions. Already, housing prices are rising faster than in the rest of the region. Porsches, Jaguars and Ferraris flash by in the streets. The number of international schools in the city catering mostly to foreigners has risen five-fold in the last decade or so.
The number of overseas workers -- mostly for menial and blue collar jobs -- has also risen rapidly to around 1.8 million, a figure that also includes foreigners who have become permanent residents. That means one in three people in Singapore is a foreigner, one of the highest such proportions in the world outside the Middle East.
Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong addressed those rising concerns in his August 9 National Day speech saying that without an inflow of workers to make up for "the shortage of workers and the "shortfall of babies in our population", the economy and society would stagnate.
"I understand Singaporeans' concerns about taking in so many foreign workers and immigrants. Some of us wonder: Will it change the ethos of our society? Will it mean more competition for us at work, or for our children in schools? Will the new arrivals strike roots here? Can they adjust to us, and we to them? These are valid concerns which we must address."
One way to ensure some trickle-down effect from Singapore's rapid growth is on public spending.
The government plans to spend $44 billion alone in the next decade on extending the commuter rail network to cope with a population projected to grow another 25 percent in the next few years following a 25 percent increase the past decade.
"There is a certain degree of discontent, but it is not brewing over and spilling out into unrest," said Gerald Giam, an executive councilor of the opposition Workers Party. "It is something we need to keep a watch on."
Over at Duxton Hill, it's getting to evening and executives are winding their way home, some hailing a cab, one or two clambering onto bicycles.
It's still a ribald place around the edges. Some of the old bars still operate. In a few corners, one can almost imagine Jack Flowers, the protagonist of Paul Theroux's novel "St. Jack" about Singapore in the 1960s, rifling his deck of porno cards in a seedy shophouse doorway and asking a tourist: "Can I get you anything? Anything at all you need?"
For Peter, the fund manager, Singapore has what he needs.
"This place works," he says, strolling down the cobbled street on Duxton Hill. "Take a look at the airport. In how many countries in the world do you find your luggage on the carousel when you come out? In Geneva, you wait 25 minutes. In the US of A, you worry, will your bags show up?"
Peter, who worked in private banking in Europe and Hong Kong before setting up in Singapore in 2005, is also involved in a chain of wine shops in Singapore, and vineyards in Australia.
On Singapore's social tensions, he becomes reflective and says: "It's a new risk that's worth watching. Is it a big risk? No." Then reverting to his natural ebullience, he says: "This place has the potential to be Monaco and Luxembourg, and Geneva or even London."

City of Dreams

Location: Mountain side
City: Macau, Hongkong

It has been a long time since I publish another write up on a city. Just came back from hongkong and macau, was amazed by the development of the city since I last visit 3 years ago. The City of Dreams consisting of newly built casino hotels have been developed and running. Up and coming hotels are amazing not forgetting the Casino empire built by the famous Stanley Ho and the famous brands such as MGM, Wynn, Crown Hotels, Hard Rock, Grand Hyatt and many more. This developing city is building itself to become the Asia Las Vegas. Cheers to the City of Dreams.. and the city of entertainment and pleasure